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Empowering Women and Countering Terrorism: Highlights of U.S.-Arab League Talks

  • July 20th, 2023

The United States and the Arab League successfully concluded talks in Washington, D.C., addressing critical issues including regional conflicts, climate change, women’s economic empowerment, and counterterrorism. The two parties reaffirmed their commitment to promoting peace, security, and economic prosperity.

Discussions covered Middle East peace and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, nonproliferation, arms control, and information technology infrastructure security. Both sides emphasized the importance of countering terrorism, condemning attacks against commercial ships, and safeguarding navigational rights in strategic waterways.

The U.S. and the Arab League vowed to empower women economically and ensure their involvement in decision-making processes. Health equity and human rights were also priorities during the talks.

The dialogue highlighted the enduring ties between the United States and the Arab world, aiming to benefit future generations through cooperation and investment in people's well-being.

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